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The ReIMAGINE Consortium will test combining MRI with other cutting-edge diagnostic technologies to transform prostate cancer diagnosis

The ReIMAGINE studies will test for the first time if MRI scans can be used for population screening to detect prostate cancer more accurately. The current prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is considered too unreliable for population screening, and the scientists will study if MRI could be used to screen men to pick up cancers earlier and more reliably, and help save lives.


They will also study whether, combined with cutting-edge techniques such as genomics and machine learning, MRI scans can replace prostate biopsies. Prostate cancer patients advising the study say they are particularly excited by the prospect of large reduction in biopsies, as they have serious side effects in the majority of patients, which include pain, bleeding, infections leading to sepsis, and urine retention.



ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Risk Study: Replacing biopsies with precision diagnosis





ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Screening Study: Could MRI give us the first reliable population screening for prostate cancer?





Through working with patients and advocacy groups, ReIMAGINE have developed several Work Strands (WS) that will allow us to realise our aims:

WS1: The ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Risk Study

WS2: The ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Screening Study

WS3: MRI acquisition, reading and annotation

WS4: Molecular characterisation

WS5: Data management, analysis, modelling

WS6: Patient and public involvement

WS7: Management and governance


This study is being launched with funding of £4.1m from the Medical Research Council and £1m from Cancer Research UK, as part of the MRC's Stratified Medicine Initiative. 


© 2018 ReIMAGINE

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